Scouting News

Sunday, March 4, 2001


At the conclusion of the KSC and UTC Regionals, it seems as if 'bots that can balance both goals consistently are gaining the high seeds going into the elimination rounds.  Many of the scores in the qualification matches fell below 100, so I wouldn't be surprised to see "awesome" strategies completely overcome by random chance and variability.  However, having a good strategy going into a match is also a crucial part of this year's game.  The two-minute conference prior to the start of a match is going to be a hectic time of throwing out ideas and compromising.  The Burning Magnetos from KSC did great at balancing goals throughout the qualification matches, which got them the number one seed.  However, this one team fell to a more powerful alliance, where Heatwave and Metal-in-Motion would dual-balance both goals.  Another point to think about is the fact that the winning alliance at UTC (Gael Force, Team 501, HYPER, Bobcats, and Buzz) performed the same strategy throughout all elimination rounds.  They struggled at first, but their final three rounds were all above 500, proving that these types of high scores are possible.  The key to it all is strategy.

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