Scouting News

Wednesday, March 7, 2001


Did anyone hear about the bet running between Jason Morella of the Cheesy Poofs (Team 254) and Andy Baker of the Technokats (Team 45)?  Well, a handful of us were in the Tigerbolt chat room late this past Sunday night, when Jason suddenly made his wagers:  first, a team in a California regional will score 700+ points during a single round of play; and second, the highest posted score at the LA regional will be higher than the highest posted score at the West Michigan Regional (which is this weekend).  I see the 700+ round as definitely possible (3 'bots in endzone, 1 stretcher, 2 big balls, 10 small balls...all in under a minute).  However, as for the second bet, it'll be all up to those LA teams.  So if anyone reading this will be playing at LA next week, score one for Jason and Team 254!

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